When a small or medium size enterprise grows, there is generally a need to start adopting more powerful ways to manage information. The main challenge is always to balance costs and system efficiency. Acquiring servers, software and anything associated with the required IT infrastructure can be daunting and quite costly. The good news is that you can benefit from having a system on the cloud that allows you to minimise the costs of deploying any IT infrastructure inside your enterprise. This is where White Wolf Rising Ltd can come to assist you by building and housing your own system.
We can create any bespoke (tailored and based upon your requirements) cloud applications that fully meet your enterprise needs.
We will discuss your requirements and take on a journey with you where we will build your cloud solution, also known as SaaS, ensuring that you are with us throughout the design and implementation phases.
No requirements are too small for us to deliver you a cloud solution that fits your enterprise!
Let White Wolf Rising Ltd take on your needs for bespoke cloud applications and deliver solutions that is exactly tailored for your company.
Contact us by email (dc@whitewolfrising.com) and tell us your requirements for us to produce a quote.
During the design and implementation phases, when we translate your requirements into an application, we can offer a single tenancy solution at a basic development cost starting from £250 for your cloud solution.
Once we have delivered the system to your satisfaction, monthly charges will also vary, depending on the number of users, type of users (named or anonymous/public) and web pages your cloud application has.
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